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David Davies • 28 September 2024

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The Emperor’s New Suit: Do Ministers Really Need Designer Labels?

I wonder how many people could actually tell the difference between a well-fitting suit costing £250 or a designer version with a price tag of thousands. Probably a very small percentage—and I’m definitely not among them! Even if there’s that rare individual who can spot the difference, would they really judge someone for not wearing a designer label worth a fortune? I certainly hope not, and honestly, who cares?

With all the recent fuss about politicians and their pricey wardrobes, I'd like to offer some reassurance to any ministers who might be sweating over their sartorial choices. In my 25-year political career, I relied on a wonderful family run clothes shop called Extons, based in the village of Raglan Monmouthshire. Extons has always provided a range modern smart clothing with old-fashioned service—and at prices that don’t require a millionaire donor's generosity! In 25 years of speeches in Parliament, meetings with business leaders, members of the Royal Family, world leaders, and frequent sessions with the Prime Minister and other Cabinet ministers, I never once wore a suit that cost more than £300 – mostly quite a bit less.
I was criticised for many things over the years, but looking scruffy was never one of them. In fact, I when I walked into a meeting sporting a new tweed suit (which, of course, cost about the usual £250). A fellow minister, admiring the fabric, sucked his teeth and said, ‘That must have cost a thousand, TC.’ I happily pointed him to the shop!

To be clear, this is not an advert—there’s no commission coming my way from Extons. And they certainly have not asked me to write it. But I believe in supporting family-run businesses that offer fair prices and great service. So to any ministers wondering if they need a designer wardrobe to 'represent the country,' I say find your local equivalent and support them instead. And if you can't, come to Raglan—you won't be disappointed, and you definitely won’t need a donor to foot the bill!"

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